Thursday, February 19, 2009

It gives me ideas of the worst kind!

Not really.

It's just that this weather (it's 77* out right now!!) combined with the fact that I still have a size 6 body and a size 2 wardrobe makes me want to make spring dresses for myself!! I told Thak last night that I want to go today and buy a dress form (you know, that manequin looking thing that you put dresses on when you're pinning them up) and some patterns. I figure fair is fair. He gets to buy out the auto parts store for two weekends in a row, I can have the dress form I've been wanting for years. He agreed, and said we'd go today and see what we could find in Savannah. If Joann Fabrics there doesn't sell dress forms, or doesn't have one I like, then we'll have to order it, but while we're at Joann, we can still get some patterns, and I can start on some things while we wait for my dress form to arrive.

It's just good weather for cute spring dresses, and I have none that fit. :( That should be better as of this afternoon, though.

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