I was doing some research today on civilian health insurance policies, and posted on a general online forum of which Thak and I are both members, asking a question of the American civilians there what a normal deductible is since I kept finding a lot that were ridiculously high. (I specify American civilians because it's an international site, and probably 5%-10% of the members are military for some country or another, so you have to be specific.)
Of course, the first person who replies is this stupid and very stereotypical military ex-wife, who's so bitter because her husband left her, yet like all military ex-wives, is so eager to give unsolicited advice about the military. She tells me some ridiculous crap about Tricare which wasn't even true (I was also asking if there were any insurance companies which covered home births, and she was saying that Tricare would. They won't. I know this for a fact.) and as always, how to get things for free, things which we don't want anyhow, and have gone to great lengths to avoid (and knew all along that we can get for free because it's common knowledge). People like her are the ones who made me hate all military wives for so long. It's even worse with her since she's divorced. Nobody wants to hear from the ex-wives, and I hate it more than most. I don't like to deal with ex-wives because a lot of them, including this one, remind me of Thak's ex-wife, and she makes my skin crawl.
So yeah, that's something I won't miss. Actually, that's one of the things I'm SO eager to get away from. For some unfathomable reason, a lot of people still mistake me for being younger than I am, and NOBODY guesses that I have been married for five years to a Staff Sergeant with now 16 years of service, and that I am prior service myself. They all guess me to be some lower-enlisted wife who fell off the truck yesterday, and for that reason, I can't ever be even in the vicinity of any of them (in this case, a virtual vicinity, at that!!!!!!!) without coming away with ten tons of unsolicited BS "advice" which is usually wrong. For some reason, I've been navigating the system just fine for the past 8 years, and have never had a problem. I even did something most people are deathly afraid of, and had a baby on Tricare Standard (that's the one where you have to pay copays, but get more choices), and STILL have no issues. These people talk of issues and fighting the system nearly constantly. Hmmm.... One of us is doing it wrong, and I'm thinking it isn't me.
I will be so glad to lose these morons. The day Thak gets out, I am giving away everything I own that has the word "Army" on it, because frankly, I'm just that much over it, and want to put as much distance between myself and people like that as humanly possible. It's just so blatant and stereotypical. "I have a question for all American civilians", and of course some dumb ex-wife of some random soldier comes out of the woodwork with unsolicited and irrelevant crap. It happens in person, too, you know. There is a reason I don't go to the commissary here. Every time I do, some idiot stops me and has me occupied for half an hour talking my ear off about some stupid crap I either already knew, or which doesn't pertain to me, and won't take no for an answer... I'm so sick of these people.