Thursday, August 27, 2009

Business is business... again

I thought I put my main competitor under completely because I hadn't seen anything from her in over a month, but nope, apparently she's still kicking... if weakly.

This morning, I checked her website, as I do about once a week on ALL other competing businesses, and there it was. Seems she's taken a page out of my book. Even the wording of her ad was mine. Oh well... too bad the design of the purse she was selling was completely atrocious, and it was severely overpriced. I'm sorry, but even though it appears her quality has improved a little, she's still nowhere near good enough to sell a tiny purse for the same price as the majority of my diaper bags. No, definitely not.

It was an interesting start to the day. That much is definitely true.

Often imitated, NEVER duplicated!

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