We got Orren a push toy! It says it's for ages 12 months and up, but we figure our boy is bigger than most people's 12 month olds, and he's also walking, so why NOT get him the push toy? The one we got him is SOOOO cute. It's the Melissa and Doug alligator one, so it's solid wood, and very beautifully constructed. Plus, the alligators mouths open and close and make all kinds of fun clacking noises when the little studmuffin runs down the hallway squealing with delight and pushing his new toy around. It's cute. You'd really have to be here to get the full effect. (I'll ask Thak if we can buy a video cam sometime within the next couple months! Then we'll set up a Youtube channel and you can see our crazy monkey children in their natural habitat.)
The pics I have today are not the best quality-wise, but you try photographing the boy who's trying to run you over with his new push toy, and see how well you do!!
Anyhow, without further ado, Orren and his push toy:

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