The circus is in town, and like every other time it is, they have tons of commercials on TV for it. Of course, like every other kid around, Erin wants to go. I have explained to her dozens of times that we do not support circuses, that they are very unkind to animals, and that if we go and see it, then we are basically telling the people who are mean to the animals that we are ok with that.
I don't think she understands fully. I think six may be too young to understand animal welfare. We're still trying, though. I don't think she understands why we prefer to eat wild game rather than farmed meats, and why we always buy cage-free eggs, organic milk, and things like that. (Hey, on an awesome note, we found a store here in where we can get organic and free-range beef, chicken, and lamb!) Even if she doesn't understand, it's never too early to try to teach the idea of animal welfare, and that each of us makes a difference when we vote with our dollars for the things we support.
Every kid wants to go to the circus, and I understand that. Maybe one day, we'll take her to Las Vegas to see a Cirque de Soleil show. It is a show of human talent and skill in acrobatics and theatrics, and most importantly, everyone in the show CHOSE to be there. Animals that circuses use do not have a choice, and are basically enslaved. It's awful, and this family won't support it. You want to see a circus? See an all human one. Support THAT with your dollars, not animal abuse!
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