Monday, December 27, 2010

It can't be that simple. Or can it?

A very well known, and highly successful, Vietnamese-American dating coach, has preliminarily launched a new project this past week. Since I know him, I got one of the first looks at it, but it will be formally launched within days, and isn't any great secret now. It is a magazine for AM/WF (That's Asian male/white female.) relationships of all varieties. Hmmmm.... Judging by what I've seen come out of the AM/WF community within the past six years, this could be really good, really bad, or solidly mediocre, but being that its editor in chief doesn't do anything halfway, it's going to be either really good, or totally awful.

At this point in time, I'm skeptical. There is a really simple reason I am skeptical. His choice of staff writers is questionable to say the least. One is this girl I've spoken with a few times, and can only describe as your stereotypical 19-year-old know-it-all. This wouldn't be an issue if she actually knew anything about dating, but by her own admission, she's only ever gotten dates through the internet, and has never dated a non-Asian. This just sends my weirdo sensor into overdrive. I read a few of her preliminary articles, and honestly, if I were an Asian guy who had never dated white girl before, this stuff would send me running for the hills.

Another of the staff writers is the editor's girlfriend. She's also a dating coach for Asian men, and knows more than most women about pick-up and game, which is a valuable resource, although a very niche market type of view point. She was a solid choice, though. She's well known throughout the community, respected, attractive, and has a diverse dating history. I find her believable, even if most of what she writes does not pertain to the majority of people in my opinion.

The third is even stranger than the first. She moved to China to find a husband. Dude.... Creep alert!! Who does that?! Fat, white, middle-aged men, that's who!! Am I the only one who finds the fetish aspect extremely gross and creepy??

Where have the normal people gone? I guess nobody finds any solace in the fact that there really is no secret to dating or finding the right mate. It's all common sense, basic human nature, and biology. I love Asian guys. I've always thought they were super hot. However, I never actually set out to find myself an Asian guy. People always ask me what my secret is, how I manged to find and keep an Asian husband, where I found him, why it works. I'm about to tell you the how and the why:

How? We were in the Army together. Right place at the right time.

Why did we get together? Because he adored me, and I couldn't find a real reason not to give him a chance. Plus, he was hot.

Why does it work after all these years? Because I'm able to put up with his bullshit, we make cute babies, and he's still really hot. Oh, and I cook well. Seriously.

People, there is no magic bullet when it comes to dating or marrying Asian men. When you over-analyze it, that's when you have problems. Sure, there are some cultural obstacles, even if yours was born in the US like Thak was, but if you're generally able to roll with the punches, you'll be fine. If any new wife would like to talk with me about how to best accommodate her Asian husband, I'm more than happy to talk with her about that. I've been there before. There are differences, but they are minor, and after a while you don't even notice them. In fact, after six years of marriage to Thak, I mostly notice how he's so much like all my friends' husbands (and he is the only Asian guy in the bunch. The rest are every other race.) They all love Sports Center, and watch ESPN every day. They all like tools, guns, beer, and cars. They all worry about the same things, getting ahead at work, providing well enough for their families, and what the future holds. In all, my Asian husband is a husband. Sure, he eats chicken bones, and shows love for his family by working so hard he's never here for us, and these are known to be Asian tendencies, but once you get used to it, you barely notice it anymore.

There you have it, people. It really is that simple. I don't speak but a few phrases of Thai. I can't stand martial arts movies. I rarely watch anime. I don't wear much Asian fashion (although I do wear some because Thak likes it). I am not Buddhist, Taoist, or Shinto. I eat Asian foods, but only sometimes. I do not like any type of Asian pop music. Hell, I don't even like American pop music. Why would I like that same kind of stuff in a language I don't speak? I am just a white girl from the rural south, and I have an Asian husband. There is no secret.... but if you want something that helps, I'll give you my peach crisp recipe. Guys love that stuff.

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