Thursday, January 20, 2011

A different type of bucket list

I coined a new term. "Cloth Diapering Bucket List". I was basically making excuses to buy a ridiculously expensive diaper in a trend whorish brand that everyone either loves or hates. I said I figure I've got like maybe 3 years left of cloth diapering, and since I have plenty of diapers, I can go ahead and buy one here and there for the sake of the bucket list, just to say I did. That got me thinking. What exactly IS my idea of a cloth diapering bucket list? Well, as best I can figure, here it is. The ones I have done are in bold. The ones I am going to be doing in the immediate future are in italics.

Bum Genius
Blueberry Minky
Bagshot Row Bamboo
Sustainable Babyish / Sloomb
Mother Ease
Imse Vimse
Green Mountain Diapers Workhorse
Happy Heineys
Little Weeds
Little Beetles

And that's about as close as I can figure to the cloth diapering bucket list. Anyone who does all of these in the space of their time cloth diapering can pretty much relate to any other cloth diapering parent on the planet, because every person has done a few of these.

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