Thursday, August 25, 2011

Petty, I know.

Some girl just said her ring is a lot like mine, then showed it to me. I was a little insulted. Her ring was really ugly, and nothing like mine. Mine is a half carat marquise solitaire, colorless, and nearly flawless. Thak nailed my preferences perfectly when he chose it. He knew I'd want a smaller yet more perfect stone, than a larger one which may not be of as high of quality, because he knows I prefer a solitaire, with a stone perfect enough to stand on its own, and not need ten thousand accent stones to make it pop. If you're gonna do it, do it right. I waited six years for that ring. It is perfect. People wish they had rings like mine. (Relax. I'm joking.)

I kinda didn't even know what to say when this girl said her ring was just like mine. I mean, the stone wasn't even the same shape, the band looked nothing like mine, and hers wasn't a solitaire. HOW exactly is that just like mine? I didn't really say anything, because shit, it was NOTHING like my ring. I just kinda nodded. I'm annoyed.

Then again, I also am aware that I have way different taste in rings than most people, so most people probably would think this girl's ring was divine and mine is too simple, or not cool at all, or whatnot. I'm ok with that. I like yellow gold rather than white. I think white gold looks like shit with diamonds, but most people love it. I don't. I like marquise diamonds, which practically nobody in my generation cares for at all. They're all into princess cut, which I think looks horrible, and even a little bit manly in some cases. So I know my ring isn't the pinnacle of awesome to most of society, and that's ok. I guess the idea here is that tastes vary a lot... and don't compare your ring to other people's unless it's really just alike! Ha!

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