Three watercolors by Erin and Orren. From left to right, Fish by Orren, Whale by Orren, and an abstract by Erin. Erin actually painted a bunch like this, but she gave a bunch of them away to her friends, so I only had this one here to frame. It was kind of a shame, because they would have made a cool looking set with three of them together, but this one does look cool paired up with Orren's fish and whale, still.

This is an acrylic painting by Orren. It's actually the first time he ever used acrylics.

This is an acrylic painting by Erin. For those who know my house, this is in one of the weird shelf wall thingies that is in my living room, where a flat screen TV would go, if we had a flat screen TV, which we totally don't. She used a few different brushes, and a small pinecone, to paint this garden scene.

This watercolor abstract is a joint effort between Erin and Orren. They used one of the big pieces of cardboard that covers the floor of new BMW's. Thak used to bring them home for the kids to paint on when he worked at BMW. This also resides where our builder intended a flat screen TV to go.

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