Here we are, eight years ago. I was 22, he was 29, it was about a million degrees that day, and had just gotten done raining like hell. Come to think of it, an outdoors wedding in Florida in July was probably not the greatest idea we ever had, but we couldn't afford a real venue, so we ended up at this cheap park, and it was what it was. The wedding was nothing like I had ever imagined my wedding would be. It suited everybody but me just fine. I hated my dress, hated the venue, hated that every single thing about that wedding was dictated solely by what I could afford, and not at all by what I really wanted. It was the least "me" wedding I could ever imagine. I thought it was awful, felt like I was in a fog all day as it went down in front of my face. Thak didn't mind a bit, though. He was the one who made me throw that god awful wedding in the first place. I had wanted to go to Vegas and get married by Elvis! Thak, however, is not a fan of Vegas, or The King, so he insisted that we not do that. That day, he was beyond nervous, and just happy that I showed up. As if I wouldn't have! As we were leaving, and I was basically in shock about how badly the wedding had gone, he said, "Better a disaster of a wedding than a disaster of a marriage. There's still hope for us."
Wouldn't you know it, he was right. While we have definitely been through times that were kind of a disaster, just like Drill Sergeant always said, at the end of the day, we're still here. We've had 6 homes, 2 cross country moves, some babies, and a war, among other things, and if I had to, I'd do all of it again. It isn't always pretty, and it isn't always easy, but it's always worth it.
All the astrology charts show me and Thak as basically the least compatible people ever. We laugh about it, because we are a lot different, but that's why it works. He's my order muppet, I'm his chaos muppet, and we both play a very important role for each other. Every order muppet needs a chaos muppet to keep them on their toes. Every chaos muppet needs an order muppet to keep them level headed (as much as possible anyway!). Look at us in the picture below. I'm in bright orange, he's in black. This is classic Thak and Anna. Separately, he's too dull and I'm too bright, but together, we're perfect. It's just like how he loved our wedding and I thought it sucked. The wedding is one thing that could only be chaos or order, not both, so that's why he got his way on that one, and I didn't feel like there was really any of me in it. Luckily, in everything else in life, there's room for both of our influence, and usually, that turns out pretty great.
Not to mention, we make REALLY cute babies, who are totally chaos muppets just like mommy, and we rock those carriers like nobody's business.

Here's a recent pic of us in Savannah. Yes, it's a blurry picture, but it was taken by an overly excited 8-year-old, using an iPhone, so what do you expect? Plus, we never have pictures with both of us in them anymore, so we take what we can get.
Happy Anniversary, Thak. Here's to many more.
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