Erin trying to look for our house. Good luck, kid!
All of us, with downtown El Paso and Juarez, Mexico behind us:
These two are too cute. I can't NOT post this. Poster boys for Baby Bjorn carriers (and cool shoes! Converse All Stars for dad, Robeez with electric guitars for son.)
See the writing on the mountain? That's Juarez, Mexico over there. Loosely translated into English, the writing says, "Read the Bible, Juarez."
Here are Thak and the kids at the obelisk marking the southernmost tip of the Franklin range of the Rocky Mountains.
A city this big makes anyone feel small from up there. That's not even 1/10 of it.
The next day, it was more unpacking boxes... Shocker, right?!
Orren wanted to help dad.
And a totally unnecessary pic of Thak and Orren, but since Orren almost looks like me in this one, I'm showing it anyhow! ;)
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