Sunday, March 15, 2009

T-3 Days

Our stuff is gone. The movers came and packed it all up, then took it away. We're sitting here in our empty house, sleeping on air mattresses like refugees, and basically just biding our time until we're out of here in about 72 hours.

Erin's been playing with her friends across the street a lot. All her toys are gone, so it's best for her, and also they'll miss each other after we move, so we're letting Erin play as much as possible while we're still here.

The other big adjustment is that Tink no longer has anywhere to hide, and is not quite loving this big open house where Frank can chase her all over the place with nothing stopping him. She also is no longer allowed to sleep with Erin since her claws could easily puncture Erin's air mattress, and we get little enough sleep around here. The last thing we want is to do an emergency air mattress repair at 3 am, so no cat for Erin at night anymore. Her CD player is also gone, so no more Hannah Montana CD at bedtime either.

Oh well... It's only for a few more days. Later today, I get the lovely experience of washing diapers in a public laundromat. This could prove interesting, but it's got to get done.

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