I also wanted to use fitteds because they're excellent for older babies and toddlers since they stay on so well, and while they do require a cover while out, you can use them without a cover at home, and allow the skin to get more air. Fitteds are great. They're also not exactly cheap to buy, and at Orren's size, it's getting to the point where our commercially available options are becoming slim pickings. He's in the biggest size of pocket diapers commonly available at this time, and will probably outgrow that before he potty trains. Fitteds come in the same sizes, roughly, as pockets and all-in-ones, so pretty much our only options are to go just prefolds until he potty trains, or make some diapers at home. I choose Option C, all of the above. I like our prefolds just fine, but I like to have other things, too, because frankly, there are days when I just don't want to mess with hunting down a snappi, and fighting an active toddler to let me snap his cover after fighting him to get his diaper snappi'd on.
Today, I made our first ever homemade diaper! It's a fitted, made out of a prefold and some cute blue flannel I have tons of on hand. (The cool thing is that I already made some burp cloths out of this flannel and some repurposed terry cloth from a towel that had gotten stained, so this dipe makes those into kind of a coordinated set!) It closes with a single row of size 20 KAM snaps. So here's Orren in his brand new sheep diaper! I have to tweak my pattern a little bit, but all in all, this diaper is pretty good!

More of a close-up of the dipe itself.

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