Our sling came today, and I decided to give it a try with Orren. It's really for the baby, of course, but Orren LOVED it. He cried when he had to get out! It's really ergonomic. It's my first pouch sling, and WAY better than ring slings I've tried in the past. I didn't like any of the popular ring slings, but pouch slings are different. They're simpler, cooler, and there's less to them, so I don't think a small baby would get lost in them as easily. I don't know, but that's my guess. I know a 30 pound toddler does well in it!
I bought a sling since it will come in handy for when we go grocery shopping and stuff. Orren rides really well in the cart, but I'm going to need some way to carry the baby, too, and I think it's a pretty obvious solution to just use a sling or a mei tai. (By the way, if any generous person is very stumped on the perfect gift for me or the baby, this mei tai will definitely be well received. No takers? Oh well. It was worth a shot! HAHA!)
OK, so here's a picture. I look HUGE in it. These jeans are really baggy, and the picture angle isn't great, so that's why. I've gained weight, but not as much as it looks like here. Oh, but also of note, Thak finally pulled the weeds in the yard, so take in the clean yard in the picture, too. I thought it was nice, and isn't our new sling pretty?

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