I've got to mention something, though. People (in-laws, I'm looking at you), ALL VETERANS ARE NOT MALE!!! Women have been serving in all branches of the military in some capacity for as long as there's been a United States of America. The first time a woman fought in combat was when Molly Pitcher took over her husband's cannon after he was killed during the American Revolution. Since then, we've made massive strides, although not always in acknowledged combat roles. From nurses in WWII, to female pilots called WASPs (Women's Air Force Service Pilots), to the Marine Corps' female mechanics during the Vietnam conflict, to today's outstanding all-purpose female warriors in every branch, one thing remains true of every American female veteran. SHE SERVES. Whether she patches up the wounded, makes maps, fires a .50 cal, or drives a truck, she serves, and she does it every bit as well as the guys. American women have a long and proud history of serving in the military, and I am fortunate to have had some affiliation with that tradition when I was younger... and a little crazier. In fact, when some of you met me, I was still a Reservist. Did you know that? I'm thinking no.
It's ok. It's an honest mistake, and I'm not mad, but in the future, step outside your comfort zone a little, and remember that it's not only men who serve. We female vets don't ask much. We don't ask for thanks or praise or any high compliment. We just want people to remember that we're here, and that at some point, we stood between you and the bad stuff in the world, alongside our brothers. Not every GI is a Joe, and we Janes are pretty cool if I do say so myself!

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