Thursday, February 24, 2011

Before one more person asks these questions....

No, we will not be able to get the landlord to back down on jacking up the rent. If you think we can, you have obviously never lived off post in El Paso. People do this every single day.

What they did was stupid (NOBODY in their right mind will pay what they're asking for this place) but definitely not illegal. We can't fight them on it, and honestly, with all the problems the house has been having lately, we wouldn't want to.

No, they're not required to give us more notice on it. Again, anyone who thinks they are has obviously never lived off post in El Paso. I really don't give a shit how they do it where you're from. I live in the real world, and the fact is, no matter what they require other places, they CAN and DO do this in El Paso.

Yes, Captain Obvious, I know about the website How do you think we found this house in the first place?

Yes, we're still doing a homebirth. Moving does not equal homeless. Why would Alyson all of a sudden reject me as a client just because my address changes?

No, this does not change our plans to stay in El Paso for the time being. Erin's school and Thak's job are still here. All that is changing is our address.

No, the Army will not move us. Even if they would, this is on way too short of notice to coordinate that.

No, I'm not getting rid of [insert awesome piece of baby gear I still need here]. I'm moving potentially across town, not to Mars. I can take most of my stuff with me. What we do get rid of will be more in the way of cleaning out the garage of all the old crap that we should have gotten rid of years ago, but Uncle Sam moved for us no question when we came out here.

No, I don't want to sublease your apartment.

It's just crazy. I know people are just trying to help, but seriously, the longer I live, the more I realize I'm not going to say jack to anybody about anything until it's already happened because it's just annoying the things they say. I think it's crazy how people give advice when it's not asked for. If I say, "So we're moving. The landlord jacked up the rent and we don't want to pay that much for this house." that's not the same as, "HOLY SHIT WE'RE MOVING!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Shockingly, in ten years of affiliation with the Army, I've moved a time or two. It's not fun, but it is what it is. If you want to help me, bring me some boxes or something.

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