Saturday, February 26, 2011

She grew!

One of the first things I have done to get ready for our move is to go through Erin's room (aka The Black Hole) and get out all her outgrown clothes to give away. I have to wash up all the summer ones and get them ready to send to a friend at Ft. Bragg for his daughter, and the rest, I'll probably haul to Goodwill since it's like a block from my house. I had no idea how MUCH she'd outgrown, though. She seriously has almost nothing left that fits. We're going to have to do a massive shopping trip for her after the move.

I haven't even made it through half her clothes yet, and I have this HUGE pile of them that have to go. She has like two dresses that she'll keep a little longer, and some shorts and t-shirts that still fit. She has one pair of jeans that still fits. Thank goodness the weather is warming up! Thankfully, we can still get a couple more weeks out of her school uniforms, but we need to replace those, too. She's outgrown them, well, really her shirts. They're just too short. If she wears a skirt instead of a jumper, her shirt won't stay tucked in anymore. Everything fits her fine around, but she's outgrown it all by height.

So yeah, it looks like Erin will be packing light, but on the positive side, will get a new wardrobe to go with her new house!! And thank you Uncle Tom and Uncle Rob for the many Target gift cards given to the kids over the course of the year. I knew there was a reason we never got around to using them before this. Erin will be fabulous in her new clothes! Then again, when is Erin NOT fabulous?

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