And something new... Since the boys share a room, but Chai will be in our room for a few more months, it wasn't working out very well to store all the diapers in the boys' bedroom. What we ended up with is a permanent diaper colony on the couch. That was slightly inconvenient for those late night changes since we still had to run out here and get a diaper (although while still supplementing formula at every feed, we still had to mix a bottle, so we were coming out here anyhow. We're really trying to cut out the supplementing, though, and we don't have to do it at every feed anymore.) Not to mention, storing the diapers on the couch was messy since they'd always get knocked off onto the floor, and didn't look very neat at all, so we had to do something else.
Enter nice big basket that was under my nightstand with no job since our birth supplies aren't occupying it anymore. I put roughly a day's (or day and a half's) worth of diapers in there. The rest can still be stored in the boys' room. This basket can stay in the living room during the day without being messy or cluttered, and we can just move it to the bedroom at night when we go to bed. Outstanding!!
It seems like such a small thing, and it is, but this whole "two boys, one room" thing is new to me. My kids have always had their own rooms, and I could keep their stuff in their rooms, and just leave it at that. Now I have to worry about keeping the baby's stuff out of reach of a toddler (er... almost preschooler??) who's very curious and wants to help, but makes a big mess. So we do the diaper basket, and it's great! We're learning... one day at a time.

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