Anyhow, after we dropped Erin off at school, I had to come home, pump milk and feed Chai. Then we had to get going over the mountain to the westside, to the pediatrician's office to get Orren's shot record. Of course, on the way there, I noticed we were low on gas, so we stopped to fill up first. By the time we got to the ped's office, we were an hour behind where I wanted to be. Then as soon as we left, Chai pitched a huge fit and was obviously hungry, so we had to pull over and feed him.
When he was done, we went back over the mountain, and headed to the birth center for our 2 week appointment with Alyson. Lucky for us, when we got there, there were no other clients before us, so we barely had to wait at all. That was great. We got out of there in time to go home, eat lunch, and pump, before having to go get Erin.
After eating lunch and pumping, we went to get Erin. That was pretty quick and easy, but then I realized we had to go back home to pick up this one paper I had forgotten on the table, and of course, Erin decided she had to go to the bathroom, so that prolonged our stop at home.
After that, we had to find the WIC office. I thought for sure there was no way we were going to get there on time, but we did... with one minute to spare. That was interesting. It was so crowded that we had to sit basically in another room from the main waiting room where people were actually being called. I had no idea how we were going to hear our names when we were called. Eventually, I found us a place up front, and it was good that I did, because not even 5 minutes later, we were called, and there is no way I would have heard it if we'd stayed where we were.
We were at the WIC office for about 3 hours total. It was exhausting. First, I had to fill out paperwork on me, Orren, and Chai. Then I had to see the main eligibility people, and do more paperwork with them. That's where I had to show proof of income, proof of residence, my ID, Orren's shot record, and Chai's social security card. (Thank goodness we had Chai's social security card. They're really not familiar with homebirth documents, but a social security card is pretty much a universal language.) After we got done with all that, we had to go back out in the waiting room and wait to be called for medical.
Medical was interesting. They had to weigh and measure me, Orren, and Chai. Then they had to test me and Orren's iron levels. Orren was freaking out the whole time, because he hates the doctor's office, and it was like that. I swear I twisted my hip funny just wrestling Orren. We did find out that Chai weighs 11 pounds 7 ounces and is 23 inches, though! Big healthy boy! After medical, we had to go back to the waiting room.
Not long after that, we were called by the breastfeeding consultant. Orren freaked out again because the breastfeeding room is along the same hallway as the room where we got our fingers pricked for iron testing. I had to hold him the whole time we were with the lactation consultant. Honestly, though, that may have been the best part of the whole thing. The breastfeeding room was pretty, and smelled nice, and the lactation consultant was really cool. They treat breastfeeding moms really well there. It makes sense that they would, of course. There is a major emphasis these days on encouraging breastfeeding. That's good, though.
Once we were done there, we went back to the waiting room, and waited to be called back by the same lady who we saw for our eligibility. She gave us the results of our iron tests (me and Orren both had good levels... the same levels, funny enough.) and told us that our heights and weights were all in satisfactory range, and then we did a little more paperwork, and we went back to the waiting room to wait for our card.
When we got our card, our farmers' market coupons, and all the paperwork on what we could get, where we could get it, and everything else, it was like 5 pm almost. We had arrived at 2 pm. We were some of the last people in the building by the time we left. I was surprised the kids were so good for all that time, but they really were. It was not an easy day, but it was worthwhile. We got everything done that we needed. I am sore from head to toe from lifting the stroller in and out out of the car, wrangling certain children, and driving all over the city.
Oh, and the common verdict among everybody, when it came to what had to be done about our milk supply issues. Chai has to latch back on and nurse. The pump was not maintaining my supply enough. So.......

And it doesn't even hurt.
Oh don't act like that pic is inappropriate. You see more boob in the average swimsuit, and you know it. :)
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