Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I am too old for this shit.

I feel the need to remind everybody of something straight out of Captain Obvious's playbook. If you don't like someone, just ignore them. Sure, you may end up at the same get-togethers as them from time to time. It is what it is. Just don't have anything to do with them. They don't need to know what you think of them, or how you feel. You gain nothing by letting them know just how badly their existence fucks your day up. They probably don't care anyway. Just go on about your business, be with people who you think are cool, and let the people who aren't cool go on their merry way, too.

What's more, I absolutely flat refuse to take sides in some stupid drama. For one thing, you guys, I'm 30 years old. No joke. Do you have any idea how bad it looks for somebody my age to be playing these girl wars as if we were rival sororities in college or something? Drama doesn't suit anybody, but once you get about my age, it really starts to look like crap. DO NOT involve me. I am not playing. No, I will not rat you out to the people you are talking about and attempting to get me to talk about. Just as I will not be roped into drama, I also will not instigate it. No, I'd rather just not hear it. You will NOT rope me into that, and you will not put me in a position of having information that's just too good to keep to myself. Why? Because I don't care.

I have stuff going on in my life right now that trumps all that garbage. I have three kids. I'm kicking ass at breastfeeding, mucking my way through the "interesting" 3's (I refuse to say terrible in the context of my awesome preschooler), and plugging away at everything Erin's learning disabilities are throwing at us. Not to mention, my husband is working out of state, so I'm doing all of this by myself for at least the next few months, AND I've recently take up belly dancing, so I'm dancing like 2-3 times a week. When I'm not dancing, I'm usually at La Leche League, or playgroup, or hanging out with friends otherwise. I've recently gotten involved with a local Attachment Parenting group, and the friends I have made through there keep me really busy whenever I have a moment's downtime. Not to mention, my evenings are usually spent talking with Thak, who again, is working in out of state.

My recommendation to everybody? Just stop it. Surround yourself with people who are no-BS, and who aren't going to stab you in the back. Also, get a hobby. You have no idea how much of a difference there is in my life since I started dancing. I'm not telling everyone to belly dance (although, if you want to, that would be cool!) I'm just saying, do SOMETHING, preferably physically active, preferably with other people, preferably out of the house. I think as moms, we end up kind of sequestered in our own little worlds for a while, and at some point, we have to break back out into the world again. Dancing was my opportunity to do just that, and when the opportunity came, I jumped at it. Do not let opportunities to get back out into the world pass you by. Trust me, when you have stuff going on, petty drama among people you don't even have all that much in common with isn't some big deal. Even if you don't take my advice, just stop trying to involve me in the drama. I'm not interested... and yeah, I really am too old for that shit.

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