So I don't dance on Tuesdays anymore. That's Wednesdays now, but today, I finished up my first tribal skirt! Yay! It's a 10 yard skirt from a tutorial that one of the girls I dance with sent me. It doesn't actually take ten yards of fabric. It takes six. It has ten yards at the bottom, though, which is why it's called a 10 yard skirt. Belly dance skirts are generally really full, some as much as 25 yards at the hem. The best part is that I found this fabric on sale for only $2.50 a yard this weekend at Joann Fabrics, so I spent $15 of the money I made at the post-wide yard sale (in other words, what I got for some of my old maternity clothes), and bought the stuff I needed to make myself a nice skirt to dance in. Yes. This will do nicely.
So basically, I have my first tribal belly dance outfit! It's simple, yes, but I like it. It's a skirt that I made, a coin scarf that I bought at the mall, and a choli top that I bought really cheaply from the same girl who gave me the tutorial for the skirt. The most expensive part of the whole thing are the Saroyan zills in my hands, and those weren't even bad. Belly dancing can be an expensive hobby, but when you know how to sew, and know other dancers who are your size, and have stuff they don't use anymore, it surely doesn't have to be.
The more I dance, the more I love it. Not only is it fun, but you don't have to have the perfect body or be super skinny, and everybody looks and feels totally fabulous no matter what! I'm so glad I accepted my friend's invitation to come dance with her group. It's seriously the best thing I have done for myself in years.
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