Sunday, April 3, 2011

Amazing. It just gets better.

So my friend Sam just told me that supposedly, a couple of people we don't like are talking about suing us for slander, and threatening military action against our husbands (which is the particularly funny part since Thak is out). Here's the thing about that. They don't have a case. I'm going to tell you why.

1) It is well within our legal right to think, say, or otherwise imply, that somebody who strikes us as batshit crazy, in fact, strikes us as batshit crazy. Saying, "That girl is insane." is not slander. No court of law will hold up that we have slandered these people simply because we don't like them.

2) The military will not take action against our husbands for this, even those who are still Active Duty. Here's why. They didn't do anything. If you ask Thak if he knows who these people are, he will honestly tell you no, because he doesn't even know who they are. He's never done anything to them, said anything about them, or even heard me and my friends talk about them. Taking action against husbands for this type of stuff would only work if they were some way involved. In this case, they weren't, so there is no case. I don't care if your neighbor is a JAG officer. If he's crazy enough to actually think this is a good case to pursue, he's not much of one. (No, that's not slander. It's fact.)

3) Us making fun of the products you make and hawk to everybody non-stop is not slander. It means we don't like your products. By this standard, Wal Mart should have pressed slander charges against the entire US population by now.

4) Speculation on our part that you are mentally unstable, when you go around acting like a crazy fool all the time, is not slander. It is our opinion.

5) Anyone who thinks they have a case against us for stating our opinions needs to read this. Specifically look at the defenses against allegations of defamation. Particularly, look at "Opinion" and "No actual injury". Obviously everything we've said is our opinion, so it would fall under that. It also falls under "No actual injury" because nobody gives a shit about any of it. Everyone we've said any of this stuff to already thinks these people are batshit crazy, or doesn't even know them, and therefore doesn't care if they are. So basically, no harm has been done.

Bottom line:

Suing and pressing charges? Really? Way to mark yourself not only as completely insane, but possibly the biggest asshole ever. Were some of the things I said mean? Yup. If I sued every person who said mean things about me over the course of the time I've been alive, I'd live in the courthouse. Grow up, get a life, and realize that if people don't like you, it's not a crime. It's just because you're probably kind of an asshole. Nope, that's not slander either. It's a general statement of opinion.

Also of interest:

Read this. It states that you must prove that the slander caused you significant harm. What significant harm is caused by the fact that a bunch of people don't like you, or the fact that I call your product "fake [name of popular product here]"? They ARE fake versions of that product! There is no harm done in the fact that we all think it's hilarious that you make your husband sew these knockoffs late at night. So no, you have not undergone significant harm due to the things we have said.

More of the same.

And as it specifically pertains to the internet, since that's where some of this allegedly took place.

The more I look, the more I see that the thing that all this has in common is that you can't sue for slander or libel if the statements made are true.

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