Today the uniform guy comes and will get Thak all squared away with his new BMW uniforms! It feels just a bit more official now, which is nice. He's not an intern anymore, that's for sure!
Oh, and we keep finding out things about this shop. When Alyson was over this weekend for my appointment, her husband and kids were with her since they had just come from the Great Cloth Diaper Change event downtown. Well, her husband was telling Thak that he was one of the contractors who had worked on the construction of the BMW shop, and that it was INSANE the materials they put into it. Like, he had done the heating and AC work, which was of course top notch, and there had been other local contractors who had done other facets of the work, but the floor tiles had been brought from Italy and came with their own crew (also from Italy) to put them in! Just a bunch of stuff like that. It's a well known fact, apparently, that the BMW shop is pretty much a palace as far as automotive shops go.
Thak was even talking about that. Instead of each tech bringing his toolboxes in, they just bring their tools and have cabinets and work benches built into the shop itself, along with computer work stations for each of them (the cars require a lot with computers, so it's very important). Not to mention, each of the guys gets two bays. It's pretty much the nicest shop Thak has ever seen, far less worked in, but that's what you get when you work hard to become the best in your field. He deserves no less.
Oh, and these guys bill an absolutely insane number of hours each week. This is definitely where the best opportunity is.
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