Friday, April 15, 2011

No words.

Two of my friends are having their babies on Monday. One is an induction, the other a c-section, both due to marginally iffy blood pressure (Any remotely decent midwife on the planet would have them control that with diet and herbs.) Neither has reached even 40 weeks yet. Both babies are boys, and both will be circumcised shortly after birth. It makes me sad. These moms are people I like and respect, but these things, I just have no words for. It just flies in the face of everything I know about what's good and right. I feel for them, though, because it's as if they've been backed into a corner and feel they have no choice now.

Chaiyo or Sirikit, you have as long as you need, even if it's 44 weeks. I will never force you to be born by chemical means, and would only resort to a surgical birth if it was to save your life or mine, and that determination was made together by me and Alyson, who would never make such a determination hastily. When you are born, it will be peacefully into our home, maybe into your daddy's hands, maybe into Alyson's hands, maybe into the water, but there will be no bright lights or loud noises to frighten you. Your cord will remain connected until you have received all it can give you and has stopped pulsing on its own. You will stay with mommy and daddy while Alyson examines you, and you will nurse as soon as you're ready and as often as you like. Nobody will take you from us for any reason. Whether you are male or female, we will honor your right to keep the WHOLE healthy body you were born with.

Peace on earth begins with birth. It's the least I can do. I'm so thankful for the support of Thak and Alyson along this journey, and because of that, I feel confident that I won't be backed into a corner and forced to do something that isn't the very best.

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