My first thought was that it was simple enough, I'd just flat iron her hair, too. Then I remembered, I nurse a baby for at least half the night, then drag my tired ass out of bed, make breakfast for all 3 kids and some coffee for myself, then get them all dressed, myself dressed, check all Erin's crap for school, and then get us all out the door by 7:15. I don't even have time to eat breakfast myself, far less flat iron my kid's hair.
Then it came to me via Pinterest. Sock bun curls. Apparently, the trick every female soldier knows has now caught on in the private sector! Well, I kicked myself for not thinking of it sooner. You see, in the Army, we wear something called a sock bun a lot. Most people with a female drill sergeant will learn it before basic is out. I did. Well, when you take your hair down at the end of the duty day, it looks pretty good, and only needs a little bit of shaking out and poofing up before it's passable for most any cantina's happy hour. Well, now more fashion forward civilian girls have taken our old military favorite, loosened it up slightly, and made it into a wonderful styling method!!
I knew this was our answer. So here's Erin, with a loose sock bun for tonight, and hopefully lovely princess-like curls tomorrow. Who said I never learned anything useful in the Army...

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