The best article I have ever read on public breastfeeding is right here. <---- Click it. It's awesome. It's sarcastic, just in case you couldn't pick up on that (hey, I wouldn't be saying it if it hadn't happened), and basically, an awesome response to all the stupid comments people make about nursing in public.
Speaking of nursing in public, here's a picture Thak took of me and Chai on New Years Eve. We were at the mall to get Thak some new contacts (hey, who loves civilian vision insurance?! They actually pay for contacts!) Anyhow, we were having some gelato while we waited for Thak's contact prescription to be ready, and of course, Chai is a growing boy who needs to eat, so he had his snack while I had mine. I was impressed with the lack of dirty looks. Good for you, El Paso. That's one good thing I can say for this place. They've been good to us as far as nursing in public goes. Oh, and dark chocolate and coffee gelato is divine. Highly recommend. The gelato is its own awesome.

This is how I finished my day. When you both have iPhones, you can do FaceTime, which is basically like those video phones Weekly Reader told us we'd all have in the future. 1989 me finally thinks 2012 me is cool. Score!

In other awesomeness, just when I got off the phone with my mom this afternoon, and had mentioned in said conversation, that Chai had not cut any teeth yet, I noticed that Chai had, in fact, just cut a tooth. He had to have cut it this morning, because it wasn't there when he went to bed last night. He's been really fussy all day, and he was hard to get to bed tonight. I even gave him a dose of tylenol, his first ever, just because he was so uncomfortable. He's ok, though, and I'm glad he has a tooth now. It looks like he'll have another one within days, too. My little boy is growing up so fast... Even though he's the slowest one out of all my three to get teeth, it still seems fast.
I also find it pretty awesome that we might be within days of finding out where we're going. The assignment manager said that he would more than likely have assignments figured out while the guys are in Utah. If that is the way it actually works out, then we will know something within the next three weeks.
This is both awesome and completely lame. Chai has been sleeping very well in his own room. He sleeps until like 3 am and then he gets into bed with me and nurses the rest of the night away. I don't sleep well without him, though. I can't really fall asleep very well at all until he comes in. I resist the urge to go and get him before he wakes up, but the minute he wakes up, I'm there, and when I bring him into bed with me, I'm out the second he latches on. So many people love when their babies sleep for a long stretch at night. After so long of Chai not doing that, it kind of freaks me out that he does now, and in another room. It feels unnatural. I guess it's because we spend most of our day with me either wearing him, holding him, or playing with him, it's really strange to sleep apart from him. I liked having his crib sidecarred to my bed, where he was just an arm's reach away. I wish it had worked out to keep it like that for a little longer. As long as Chai's happy, though, that's really all that matters.
Orren has a piggy bank (ok, so it's a tomato sauce jar that I'm going to paper mache the outside of and let him paint, but it does the job). He got $5 for his birthday, and has found random change around the house and yard, and has put it all in his bank. He informed me today that he's saving up to buy Woody and Buzz action figures, from Toy Story. He might actually have enough when you factor in the gift card he got for Christmas. I think it's awesome that he's saving money, though. What a smart little boy he is!
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