This is northeast El Paso at night, as seen from the first picnic area on Transmountain Road. If you've been to El Paso, it's the one that overlooks Cohen Stadium. I particularly like this view because, even though it is a different part of the city than what we first saw, because we were coming from the opposite direction, it looks exactly like what we saw when we first arrived here three years ago. We'd been on the road for five days, moving from GA, and it was late at night. We were tired, hungry, and ready for our trip to be over. Then we rounded a corner, and saw El Paso, all lit up like this.

This one, I took last night from the little stopping area, right by the police academy on Scenic Drive. I was facing south, and if you look, you can see the tall buildings of the financial district, and behind them, the slums of Juarez, Mexico. This is one of the most interesting juxtapositions I have ever seen in my life, and if you can live here, and not see the significance of it, I just don't know what to tell you.

More later.
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