Friday, August 10, 2012

Daycare! AAAHHH!!

After getting back into some of my old subject matter, and seeing that I've still got what it takes to do this stuff, thus being reasonably sure of not falling flat on my face when I go back to school, there is only one thing left that gives me that horrible ball of anxiety in the pit of my stomach.  The boys will have to go to daycare.  I'm not worried about Orren, really.  He'll be 4 years old by then, and a kid that age should be doing some form of preschool type of thing.  It's perfect timing for him.  The thought of sending Chai to daycare is not sitting very well at all, though.  He'll only be 2.  I know he will be fine.  He's a sweet and outgoing little guy, and he'll love his new friends, and his teachers, and all the fun toys and new activities he gets to do.  It's only me who has a problem with this.  I'm glad I have a while to get past it before I actually have to drop him off and walk away for the first time.  Ugh... I can't even think about it.

Anyway, I asked on a local group for recommendations for daycares and babysitters in Statesboro.  I was clear that price is no concern.  I want the best.  The on campus daycare at Georgia Southern was recommended highest, and one other center, plus a couple of churches were also recommended (all this by a girl who graduated from Georgia Southern with a degree in child development, and worked at the GSU campus daycare after she graduated).

GSU would obviously be my first choice.  It would ease my mind quite a bit to have the boys right there on campus with me so that I could get to them super fast if they needed me for any reason.  One of the hardest things about Erin being in daycare when I was in school before was that if she needed me, I was an hour away, and that's if I made every light and didn't get stuck in traffic.  More realistically, it would take me an hour and a half to get to her.  I cannot imagine doing that again.  On campus daycare? Yes please.  Knowing it's the best in town?  Done.  That's where they're going.

They do have a waiting list, so I have to find out how long it is so I can know when to get on it.  I will probably call them next week to set up a time to come visit, ask a billion ridiculous questions, and maybe go ahead and get on the list if now's the time to do that.  I really hope that this works out for us.  I have a good feeling about it.  I still can't stand the thought of leaving my Chai Guy, but luckily, I have time to get used to that idea.

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