First of all, people are crazy. I know several people who actually like this. How on earth can anybody like someone with Paul Ryan's voting record? He's even worse than Mitt Romney, which I thought was pretty close to impossible. He actually supported a bill to make the Patriot Act permanent, supports a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage, would relish the opportunity to eliminate Medicare, and make drastic cuts to Social Security and unemployment, and given the opportunity, would overturn Roe vs Wade, and ban certain types of contraception. Oh, and he's a Packers fan (You know I couldn't let that slide). Add all that to Romney's assertion that "corporations are people, too", and his general hypocrisy and shady nature, and you've got pretty much the biggest recipe for disaster in the history of our nation. At this point, the only thing that could make this ticket any less desirable is if they had plans to appoint actual brain eating zombies to the Supreme Court.
There is one thing that totally kills me about all this. Every person I know who supports the Romney/Ryan presidential ticket, is low income. They have no idea that these people do not work for them. They're going to screw them so hard. You can barely pay your bills even though you're working as many hours as humanly possible? You can't afford insurance for yourself and your wife, and your kid is on Medicaid? If you have to call in sick, you won't have enough money to pay your bills this month? Guess what, friend. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan don't give a shit. You and people like you, are nothing to them. They will help their buddies in corporations, push their religious agenda, and cut every program that has ever been of benefit to you. You want to see your cost of living go through the roof and times get even harder? Elect these guys.
Only in America do people line up to vote for their own downfall, and do it with a smile. There is some serious class warfare going on, and most of the people who are the worst off for it don't even know, or won't acknowledge it for what it is. People like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan represent the richest 1% of the nation, and that's really about it. They will do for the rich, make them richer, and as a consequence, the poor will become poorer. Look at how much the middle class has eroded. Many families have seen a drastic decrease in their standard of living as the economy has fallen. My family has, and we are not considered low income. We don't even qualify for reduced price school lunch. Even so, we have fallen pretty far. Imagine what it's like for the people who started out where we are now. Where do they fall to? They fall straight out of the middle class, that's where. My friends, that's called class warfare. These rich guys are doing for other rich guys, with our tax dollars no less, and the rest of us are left out in the cold. The poorer you started out, the more you suffer.
Before you vote, honestly think about what the person you are voting for represents. I don't mean values. Values voting is probably the worst thing going. Who honestly cares if this person is pro-life? If you don't agree with abortions, don't get one. Same-sex marriage the is the same idea. If you don't want to marry someone of the same sex, then don't. Why on earth would you vote for someone who will totally screw up your daily life, or at least not improve it at all, just because they share your stance on values type of issues, which, by the way, have absolutely no impact on your daily life. Really, what is it going to affect in your day to day existence if people get abortions and gays get married? Oh yeah, that's right. Nothing. Now, what will it affect if some jerk who will do away with every program that ever was of any benefit to you is elected? Well, that could deal quite a blow to your daily life. But hey, they're pro-life and hate the gays! It's all good, right?
I would say one good thing comes of this. Romney did not make a move toward the center with his choice of running mate. He will not pick up many swing voters with this guy. I think, if anything, he has insured Obama's second term. Our nation loves two term presidents anyway. In my lifetime, there's only been one who wasn't. Even though it is pretty much a given that these guys don't stand a chance, please, don't feed these trolls your vote.

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