Saturday, August 4, 2012

It's an election year. Draw ALL the lines in the sand.

It's that time again.  In this age of social media, it seems even more in our collective face, just how diverse our group of friends really is, and that applies to anybody.  I don't care who you are, short of hiding under a rock, after crushing your iPhone with said rock, and donating your computer to the homeless, you can't get away from your friends' politics in 2012.  With that said, I have a few messages for all my groups of friends.

Dear Democrat friends,

I love you guys. I really do.  I share your enthusiasm for marriage equality, the Affordable Care Act, and regulating GMO foods.  Also, even though your guy hasn't done the greatest job of ending the wars as fast as I'd hoped he would, he's done a lot better than his predecessor, so I'm not going to hate on him for that.  I also share your disdain for Mitt Romney.  I'm pretty undecided on what should be done about the tax code.  You guys are killing me with some of the stuff you're coming up with as far as that goes.  While I think that the tax code needs revision, and the richest among us should pay their rightful share of taxes just like everybody else, I think blatant redistribution of wealth is kind of wrong, so maybe you want to sandwich that message a little more.  Otherwise, keep doing what you're doing.  You guys don't suck.

Dear Republican friends,

You guys are killing me.  I like you guys as people. Really I do, but what the hell are you smoking?  Did you not see what 8 years of the crap you guys are trying to promote did to our country before?  You cannot possibly think that going to war with Iran is a good idea, and please, for the love of all that is holy, tell me you'll be writing in someone's name and not voting for Mittens.  Being that you are generally intelligent people, I have more faith in you than to vote for that guy.  Otherwise, what is up with all the hating on the gays?  What did they ever do to you?  Since most of you consider yourselves constitutionalists, please show me in the constitution where it says who can and cannot get married here.  It's not in there.  I simply cannot understand why you're against marriage equality, or would want more war.  I love everything you guys say about gun rights, veterans' issues, and auditing the fed.  Since those things seem to be a pretty common thread between all of you, why not write in Ron Paul when you vote?  We all know he really won the nomination anyway.

Dear Libertarian friends,

I love nearly everything from you guys, on a theoretical level.  End the wars, audit the fed, own assault rifles, legalize marijuana, etc.  I love it all.  The issue is, this message must be brought to the people before they will realize how good it is for them.  You guys do realize that with how crappy the Republican party has ended up being in recent years, we have a real shot at putting a third party candidate in the white house in the very near future.  What needs to happen is that there needs to be less focus on talking trash about the use of UAV's in Afghanistan (because really, that's getting so old), and more talk about how to get Gary Johnson into the main presidential debate.  The problem with Libertarians is that there are too many battles to pick, and you guys stay so divided.  There are the gun rights Libertarians, the marijuana Libertarians, the tax code Libertarians, and so on... Get it together, people. For once, try to have some form of a united front, even though that almost goes against the entire premise of Libertarianism.  It could work.  Give it a shot. ;-)

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