Tuesday, February 21, 2012

New breastfeeding ribbon!

I'm a few days early with this, but since both my laptops fried this week, and I can only get online via my iPhone, I figured I'd get this done while I was thinking about it. Anyhow, he amber ribbon that replaces the garnet that was there says that we have been breastfeeding for 9 months. Chai actually turns 9 months on Saturday, but like I said, I'm doing this while I have it on my mind. Blogging via iPhone is not that great.

I can't believe we have made it this long. It's definitely a first, and I'm really proud of us for making it this long. Of course, we have no plans to wean, and we definitely plan on going to at least two years. I think he will go longer than that, but it's really up to him. Since two years is the new minimum recommendation, it's definitely the least we will shoot for. 9 months in, breastfeeding is so easy. He's nursing less often. I'm not as tied down as I was with him nursing constantly from the moment he woke up to the moment he fell asleep. He's spaced his feedings out to about every 3 hours, so I am able to do some things between feedings. It's evident that all our hard work in the months leading up to this has paid off.

I love that I have an instant way to comfort him when he falls down, or is tired, or in the case of today, he gets hit in the head with a cup (because big brother is a meanie). When I pick him up after something like that, he always wants to nurse right away, and everything in his world is instantly better the second he latches on. It's so perfect.

I'm also pleased that nobody has asked us when we plan to wean, or told me he's too old to nurse, or that I should quit because he has teeth. It seems like right noever everyone respects our plan to breastfeed full term. We'll see how that is in a couple years, but for now, I'm pleased. 9 months. I never have made it this far before, and I never imagined actually being able to say that I had breastfed this long. I know it doesn't sound like much to a lot of people, but to me, getting this far is a big deal.

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