Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What would you trust random Craigslist sellers with?

I'm a Craigslist fanatic. I don't know why I am anymore, though. Ever since we left the Savannah Craigslist area, it's been nothing but crap. On Savannah Craigslist, you find pretty much anything you want, and very decent prices. The best thing to ever happen to a middle-middle-class mom such as myself is to stumble upon a recent listing from a rich lady who just HAS to empty out that pesky old nursery TODAY!! Savannah had its share of rich people, so this was not an uncommon occurrence. Being the wife of a hardworking Staff Sergeant sure didn't hurt my case for getting some of these fine ladies to hold certain items for me until Thak could come with me to pick it up. Anyhow, sales like that explain how we scored the $600 rocking chair we wanted for $40. It's also how I scored a front pack that retails for $120 and had been used twice for $35. Sure, Savannah Craigslist was not without its crap. There was the lady who advertised "BEAUTIFUL maternity clothes, size XS!!" and then when we got there to look at them (and "there" was a bad part of downtown), they were NOT beautiful, and she failed to mention that everything was Petite length. (Yeah, that's a conundrum for another day, finding extra-small maternity pants in long lengths.)

Here, though, it's another story. I have not bought one thing off this city's Craigslist in the 9 months we've been here, and that's saying something. It's all crap, though. The baby and kid stuff is all Wal Mart brands which I wouldn't even use new, far less used (When it comes to baby gear, you really do get what you pay for.) and the kids clothing lots people list are always ugly or in bad condition, not to mention way overpriced. Yet for some unknown and probably completely inane reason, I peruse Craigslist at least every other day.

One thing I've noticed is that a lot of people sell used car seats. Now, it's not illegal to resell car seats. It's not even inadvisable if the person you're getting it from is a friend or family member who has similar car seat safety practices as you have. However, it is HIGHLY inadvisable to buy a used car seat from a stranger, and anyone who does is not thinking quite clearly. There are a few reasons why.

First, unless it's a Britax AND you know what to look for, you have no way of knowing if the seat has been in an accident before. A seat that's been in an accident cannot be used again.

Secondly, I've seen some seats sold that are probably close to as old as I am, and the people say something like, "a bit discolored, but still just fine." No, it's not just fine. Car seats expire. Have people not heard the term "plastic fatigue"? My chemistry background is limited to lower division courses in general chem, and one upper division course in qualitative analysis, plus anything I picked up as a physics major. My point is, I'm NOT a Chemist by any stretch of the imagination, and even I knew about plastic fatigue. Isn't it common sense that polymers break down over time? For this reason, buying an expired car seat is extra stupid. Selling one ought to be a misdemeanor.

Finally, in order for car seats to be effective, their straps can never be submerged in any liquid. They're treated with certain strengthening agents which could wash out, weakening the straps if they are ever submerged in any liquid including water. This is probably the most sinister of all because so few people seem to know about it (even people who know about expiration dates and accidents) and it's impossible to tell just by visual inspection whether a seat's straps have been soaked. I see it on about 75% of the ads selling car seats, "My wife washed it in Dreft, and it's ready to go." I always want to write them and say, "I hope you guys kept the straps out of the wash." but never do because frankly, people get ugly about car seats if you try to correct them on anything they're doing. It's ridiculous.

Basically, the thing a parent has to ask him/herself when buying a car seat is, "Do I trust this random Craigslist seller with my child's life?" If the answer to that question is no, then don't buy a used car seat. The average used car seat that's for sale costs about $20. I propose you the following:

Cosco Scenera, which will work fine from birth to preschool, and goes for under $60.

If you're the type who's absolutely got to have a carrier-style infant seat then here's an Evenflo Discovery for $60. If money's that tight, though, I recommend going with the convertible and getting more bang for your buck. (Yes, she of the collection of $300 car seats does still love a bargain, hard as that may be to believe.)

Yes, the above two seats are roughly $40 more expensive than the average used one on Craigslist, but isn't your kid's life worth $40?

Don't buy a used car seat.

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