Saturday, March 3, 2012


This is a video from today's bellydance show. It was at this event put on by the West El Paso YMCA. It was really fun, and I'm so glad I was able to dance with everyone one last time. Thak was there. That was probably the best part of the whole thing. He took this video. I'm in the black and blue skirt with the red fringe scarf.

After we got done with this show, we went to this awesome desert park and took pictures. One of our girls, her husband does photography (his day job is the Army, but he's a great photographer, and does that on the side) so he took our pictures, as a troupe and as individuals, at this park. It was so much fun! A few people even asked to have their pictures taken with us as we were dancing on the rocks.

After that, we went out to eat, in costume, at one of our favorite Mediterranean restaurants. It's kind of a tradition. It was so much fun. The food was great, the people were even better.

My last Saturday in El Paso was a good day. I will miss this.

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