Tuesday, March 6, 2012

An update, and a thought

Movers come tomorrow. We're super busy. We'll be out of El Paso by the weekend. On Saturday, we'll be on the road before the sun is up, have lunch in San Antonio and dinner in Dallas. Then the following morning, we'll be on the road east, driving as far as we can go each day until we reach the coast of GA once again. With luck, we can make it in 4 days this time instead of the 5 it took us last time. Chai hates riding in the car now, so it's going to be interesting. That's all there is to update, really. We're just making progress on getting out of here. It's the usual.

And a thought. Fellow Americans, stop being so weird about shit. Who cares of brothers and sisters share rooms or take baths together? If nobody's uncomfortable with it, it's not that big a deal. Who cares if they know they have different parts? It's not a big deal unless you make it one. No, Child Protective Services is not going to take my kids away because I don't fight them on it every time they ask to sleep in the same room or get in the bathtub together. I refuse to live in fear of the law stepping in concerning my parenting, ok? Refuse to. Living in fear is not my thing. I understand, lots of alternative families have found themselves on the wrong side of the authorities for things like bedsharing, non-vaxing, and even homeschooling, but when you live in fear of this, you criminalize your actions. I don't believe there's anything to criminalize about my parenting, and the day I start to believe there is, is the day I lose the battle. I believe in liberty. I believe in child-led, instinctive, attachment parenting. I believe in the body's ability to heal and protect itself, sometimes with the help of a good naturopath or chiropractor, and rarely, an allopathic physician. I do not believe that what mainstream society is dishing out these days really has much application to my life, or that of anyone else who's paying much attention to the reality of things as of late. The day I start to live in fear of mainstream society's opinion of my ways, is the day I am living in a manner lacking in liberty, and that's no way to live. I'll leave the fear to the fear mongers, if it's all the same to you.

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