Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Last day!

Thak might still be at the Change of Command ceremony for his Company Commander, but after he's done there (which he may or may not already be) then he's heading on over to final out. He has to turn in his clearing papers, and get his bulldog stamp, and then he's good to go. Tomorrow, he'll sign out on leave, but as of maybe right now, but definitely sometime this afternoon, he's no longer a member of 3rd Infantry Division, no longer assigned to Ft. Stewart. We're officially in limbo, and will stay like this for 29 days, but hey, it's not bad. It means nobody can bother us, although I'm sure someone from the platoon will find a way anyhow. They always do.

The movers come tomorrow to get our stuff. I still have done absolutely nothing with packing away the things they don't need to take, or with getting all the laundry done, or with putting all our sensitive documents and valuables in the car (that's instruction from the moving company. No valuables in the house while the packing is being done.) I also still have to call a company to come and clean our carpets sometime before next Wednesday. I still have to go get Orren's birth certificate, too.

There's a lot to do, and we're running out of time. I'll just be glad when it's all done and we can get out of here. I'm tired of talking about the move, and ready to just do it and get it over with.

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