Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday, Friday!

I had another coffee to go to this morning, and while I was there, Thak called me. He was on his way home for lunch (yeah, the coffee ran long today!!) and wanted to tell me all about his new unit. Today is his first day there. They took the brigade and broke it down into battalions yesterday, so he never had to be just sitting there in limbo at brigade HQ for several months, waiting for about 3000 more people to show up. He's going straight to his battalion. The other thing is that he is NOT in 41st Infantry. He is in a BSB (Brigade Support Battalion) which means he will be doing Direct Support level maintenance on generators. That is excellent. At his rank, he should be doing absolutely nothing less.

He's still at work right now, but should be getting off soon. The only weird thing about this unit so far is that he had to do PT in the afternoon. The other girls at the coffee say that's normal for here. It's the first time I've seen it other than for people on the fat boy program, which Thak certainly is not. I guess every post has their little idiosynchrasies.

The good part is that Thak will be working on Biggs Army Airfield, which is nearer to our house than Ft. Bliss. They don't have the facilities for his unit built yet, but they're working on it. According to another Staff Sergeant of the same unit, they're building all kinds of other things out there, too, like a PX and Commissary. That will be nice, because when I went to the commissary on Ft. Bliss yesterday, the line for the checkout must have been 100 people long. Now granted, I wasn't in it for more than half an hour because they move really fast there, but the post needs two commissaries if they have lines that long on a day that isn't even payday. Putting one on Biggs is the perfect solution, and benefits us greatly. I don't know what I'll do with a brand new commissary! I'm still pretty damn stoked about the one on Ft. Bliss, which was built circa my enlistment (2001), because it's a huge upgrade from the Ft. Stewart one which was built circa the Jurrasic period.

Otherwise, this weekend is going to be insane. In a wives' group I'm involved with, there are two girls who have things going on which warrant food deliveries (one is having a baby as we speak, and the other's husband just got out of surgery) so I'm going to be taking dinner to the one whose husband had surgery tomorrow, and then on Monday, I'm taking dinner to the husband and children of the girl who's having a c-section right now. (We all took a day to bring food. I'm one of seven volunteers.) I totally forgot that we were planning on going to Carlsbad on Saturday when I accepted the first request, but I guess we can go on Sunday. I just have to get everything done on Saturday so there's nothing for me to do on Sunday when we get home from Carlsbad in the way of getting ready for the week to start. Saturday's better for being around here anyhow. The post-wide yard sale is going on, and it's HUGE! I definitely want to go. Everyone goes, plus, I may find some clothes for Orren there. He's about to be in a 12 months size full time, and we only have a few things that big, so it's the yard sale or the Carters outlet! But if we don't get to Carlsbad this weekend, it'll be there next weekend, too. This weekend is going to be packed, but that's not a bad thing.

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