Sunday, April 26, 2009

Two kids on a three kid bench

We're redecorating our living room, and have been perusing all the rustic furniture stores for cool pieces that will be a good fit for our house. One store which was brought to my attention by a fellow NCO wife at a recent social function turned out to be the jackpot! It's unique and solidly constructed rustic looking furniture made of reclaimed wood, at prices that can't be beat. For $360, we walked out with a corner unit for our bar area, a rug, and a little cedar bench with room for three kids. Where I come from, that's what we call a steal.

Here are Erin and Orren on their new bench:

Don't mind the bad picture. I managed to waste the batteries of the camera by leaving it on overnight by accident, so this was taken with Thak's Blackberry. We'll post pics of our newly decorated living room probably in a week or so when it's finished. Our couch is being made as we speak, and we've decided to have a chair made to match it, so it will be a little while, but not too long. We're excited! But the most important thing is that Erin and Orren sure do look cute on their new bench, and there's room for three, so whoever the little brother or sister is will have a seat, too. Erin's already got it all figured out!

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