Monday, February 22, 2010

My husband bought WHAT??

Thak bought a motorcycle. It is a 1985 Honda Shadow 1100VT. He's wanted one like this forever, and he got it for a really good price. It's right here in West Texas, too. We have to go pick it up next weekend.

It'll pay for itself in 3-4 months with how much gas we'll save (when you normally drive a Dodge Ram, and then switch to a motorcycle, the difference in fuel expenditure is drastic!) and as long as he promises to NEVER EVER ride it on the freeway, or in rain or sandstorms, then it doesn't freak me out too badly. It's a nice bike, fits Thak great... it's like the ultimate in Asian redneck awesomeness.

The pic isn't our exact bike, but it's identical to it.

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