Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy made up Finnish-American holiday!!

Sooooo today is something called St. Urho's Day. St. Urho is entirely imaginary, made up by some Finnish dude in Minnesota in 1956 when questioned by an Irish coworker on why the Finns didn't have a saint like St. Patrick. So this Finn and this Irish guy made up St. Urho, and originally, St. Urho's Day was in May, but then, in order to keep up with the awesomeness that is Irish people, they moved their holiday to one day before that which I affectionately call "Irish Stereotype Day" (better known as St. Patrick's Day).

So basically, happy St. Urho's Day, everyone! Wear purple!

(Do you think that's why the Minnesota Vikings wear purple?? I mean, St. Urho was invented in 1956, the Vikings in 1961, so it's possible! LOL)

Oh, and if I don't get to it tomorrow, happy Irish Stereotype Day. Now, as soon as I finish this drink, I'm gonna go fight someone. ;-)

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