Sunday, December 18, 2011

"O-R-R-E-N spells Orren"

Sorry for the horrible pic. The lighting in my house is bad, and my camera is bad at it, so this is what we've got. Plus, it was the millionth one I took of him holding this paper, and he was really hyper, so that's why the annoyed look on his face, despite saying "cheese", repeatedly, just like mommy told him to.

So Orren has taken a real interest in writing his name lately. I was not expecting this at the age of 2 (ok, almost 3, but he's still 2 for another week, ok?) but if he's asking to do it, then why not? This is how he does it. He says, "O-R-R-E-N spells Orren!" while writing each letter out as an O. He does it repeatedly. It is absolutely adorable. He also says "E-R-I-N spells Sissy!" He writes that as all O's, too.

Who let my little curly headed dude grow up so fast?

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