Monday, June 1, 2009

This week....

...we will drop below 700 days left until Thak is out of the Army!

Oh, and also of interest, I am out of the IRR in 33 days. If you don't know, IRR is Inactive Ready Reserve, basically, the pool of recent veterans they can do call-backs of if they need us. I can still be called back for the next 33 days, and they can keep me as long as they want, but after that, I'm done! Uncle Sam can never touch me again! Now, the Army is notorious for calling people back to Active Duty a couple weeks before their IRR time expires, but I don't think that's going to happen to me since my MOS is very easy to get people for, and it's balanced personnel-wise right now. They don't need me back. I don't think I'm getting called. But yeah, no more mustering. No more moment of hesitation before opening the mailbox, nor fear at letters from DOD. No more uncertainty for me. 33 days, and I am free!!! 703 days, and Thak is, too!!! It's about time. We've done ours.

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