Friday, June 25, 2010

18 months!!

Orren is 18 months old today! I tried to take a picture of him, but he was too busy to be still, so what I got wasn't the best. I can't believe he's a year and a half old already. It's gone by too fast. What a big boy! He says so many words, knows 3 or 4 body parts, loves music and tries to sing and dance. He's really into dinosaurs, cars, and blocks. He can throw his football all the way across the room now!

He still eats like crazy. His favorite foods are avocados, peaches, bananas, Kix, string cheese, and yogurt. He still wears a size 3T. He's not growing as quickly as he was, which is normal for this age, and fine with us since we were having a hard time keeping up with his constant outgrowing of clothes.

Orren 18 months ago, just a couple hours old:

Orren today, too busy to sit still for a picture!

Oh, and in case you didn't know, this means there are exactly 6 months left for Christmas shopping, and more importantly, to find the perfect birthday present for Orren! None of these single presents for two occasions. He asked me to pass that along.

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