Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Glass Gem Corn?! Sign me up!

I just got on the waiting list for seeds for Glass Gem Corn!  Is this not the coolest looking thing you have ever seen?!  Unfortunately, you can't eat it off the cob like sweet corn, but it's great for popping, so I want to grow it anyway.  My kids love popcorn, and I'm always having to go out of my way to find popping corn that isn't GMO.  This is definitely something we would use.  It's so beautiful!  The minute I saw it, I knew it was definitely part of my farming bucket list.

They say there are going to be a lot of seeds available in October of this year, so maybe I will have the opportunity to buy some then.  I just hope I got onto the waiting list early enough to get some this year so I can plant them next year.  If not, then I'll just be waiting longer.  But WOW.  This corn.  How could we not want to grow it?!  I've never seen anything else like it.

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