Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th.

11 years ago today was my last day to ever be a civilian, to ever know what life was like with the blissful ignorance that one may choose to surround themselves with if they do not serve in the military (surely, not all civilians do that, but at 19, I did).  It was also the last time I would see my country at peace, because we would be at war before I finished Basic.

Joining the Army may not seem like a big thing to some people, and to others, it may seem like a very stupid thing. That's ok.  One thing I've learned is that other people don't have to understand.  I understand.  My vet buddies understand.  It helps that I married my favorite Sergeant.  He understands best of all.  When you join the Army, you'll never see the world the same way again.  You'll never be a civilian again, no matter how dry the ink on your discharge papers may be.  You're a veteran for the rest of your life, and you see the world like a vet sees it, not like you saw it when you were a civilian.  You opened Pandora's box when you took your oath, and you can never close it.  That's ok, though.  Most of us wouldn't have it any other way.

That's about all.  Happy 4th.

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