Monday, July 16, 2012

Look! We can grow tomatoes!

It seems like no big deal to most people, I'm sure, but after living in the desert, where pretty much anything other than squash and peppers, was impossible to grow, to walk out this morning and see three vine ripe tomatoes on my plants, was amazing!  There are many more green ones, so we'll be eating fresh tomatoes for weeks to come, and saving a few bucks at the farmers' market, too, because heirloom tomatoes are always on our shopping list.  These tomatoes have a great flavor, and are really meaty.  The boys and I split one with our lunch, and have reluctantly convinced ourselves to wait until daddy gets home to eat the others.  They're so good, it's tempting to just eat them all right up.  Next year, we will definitely be growing more tomato plants.  I do like this variety, too.  (For those who wonder, it's an heirloom variety called Mexican Red Calabash.)

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