Friday, April 30, 2010

Damn you, West Texas!

How anyone can say they like the weather out here is beyond me! There is nothing good about this weather. It's dry, and the temperature fluctuates wildly from hour to hour, and then there are the sandstorms. Last night, we had 65 MPH winds which shook every window in the house and made so much noise pelting the house with sand, that nobody slept worth a damn.

See, I wouldn't mind the wind if it would just rain along with it. A nice tropical storm would be rather welcome. Sandstorms suck, though. OK, I'm not allowed to say that anymore. A friend of mine totally got onto me the last time I did, because in her tribe, sandstorms are sacred. I said, "Well, at least they're some good to somebody!" So I can't say sandstorms suck anymore, but I still can't wait until I NEVER have to deal with another one again as long as I live.

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