Saturday, May 8, 2010

Yes, I have the right to be happy!

One of my aunts-in-law is a real piece of crap. I've actually noticed a trend among scandinavian women that they can't just let anyone be happy, and she's the epitome. (Maybe it's because they all look a billion years old by the time they turn 30, and they have to try to make other people as miserable as they are.)

Yes, believe it or not, I AM happy about my husband getting out of the Army in a year. What a revolutionary thought... I might be able to bank on him being there for stuff, and he may not have to do a job he hates with every fiber of his being anymore, and we may be able to live somewhere we WANT to live rather than in whatever shithole Uncle Sam plunks us down this time. Amazing that we would be happy about being so close to being done with this "wonderful" lifestyle of instability and bullshit.

And oh, if that crazy old bat compares this one more time to when her brother, my late father-in-law, got out of the military 20 years ago, I will scream. There are too many differences to even compare the two situations. For one, we are NOT moving to bum-fuck nowhere (aka, where all these people are from). OF COURSE Thak's dad had to work a crap job for peanuts! That's all there was! That's all there ever is in that town! That's the kind of place where adults work for life at jobs that high school kids would have anywhere else. Plus, we've made MAJOR sacrifices to make him marketable in the private sector, and for him to get his civilian education to translate his military experience to high paying civilian positions. His father barely graduated high school, and his military job had no civilian crossover at all. STOP THINKING YOU KNOW ABOUT US AND OUR SITUATION! YOU DON'T! IF YOU KNOW ONE SOLDIER WHO GOT OUT, YOU KNOW ONE SOLDIER!!!! YOU CANNOT MAKE ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT ALL OF US!!

So yeah, I'm happy, and will continue to be, no matter what sour-faced old Finn says I shouldn't be.

Plus, since when have I cared for the thoughts of homophobic, overly conservative, holy rollers? Oh yeah, that's right... never.

Shut up, you idiot. Nobody likes you anyhow.

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