Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A big important milestone!

My bebe Chai rolled over today! I was getting concerned because he hadn't done it yet, even though it's not really a concern that he didn't until this point. He's only 4 months old. But yeah, I put him down on his tummy at playgroup today, and he just flipped himself right over less than two seconds after I put him down! He did it three times at playgroup, then once for Erin after we got home. He wouldn't do it for Thak.

We have also decided to let him try avocado sometime in the next few weeks. He will be 5 months then. Thak wants to be involved in his first solid food attempt, and he's leaving for Maryland in a few weeks. I think it's a fair request. If Chai is ready for it, he will be able to eat it. If he isn't ready, well, he just played with food. Either way, it's fine. I don't think it's unfair that Thak wants to be involved in this. I think the prospect of leaving the boys for months on end is harder on him than he expected. We never thought we'd be in this position. So for that reason, I'm willing to compromise on the waiting until six months. We'll try solids at five months. If Chai's not ready, he won't be able to eat them anyway, so there's no harm, and either way, daddy gets to be involved.

So yeah, it was a big day for the bebe Chai! Rolling over for the first time, and a date with solid food in the near future. He's getting so big.

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