Thursday, October 27, 2011

Vinegar stinks. Here's a fix.

Cleaning products are expensive. Not to mention many of them are full of harmful chemicals. The ones that aren't, are even more expensive. Vinegar is a good fix for this, as it is effective, cheap, and free of harmful chemicals. However, let's face it. Vinegar stinks. I cleaned with vinegar in my old house, and seriously, to this day, our garage, where a lot of our stuff that was in that house is stored, smells like pickles. I love pickles, but I can think of about a million things I'd rather my house smell like.

A couple weeks ago, a friend gave me the answer to this problem. She has an eco-friendly cleaning service, and one of her most popular cleaners that all her clients love the smell of is made of vinegar and citrus peels. It's so easy to make, too! You just take vinegar, and put it in a jar with a bunch of citrus peels, and let it sit for two weeks. Then, to use it, you dilute it with water. Then you have all the good of cleaning with vinegar, without the stink!

I made some, and used it today for the first time. It worked great!

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