Monday, September 27, 2010

More craziness from Ft. Stewart

So if you see this girl (ok, not girl. She's 42...), you should call local law enforcement (Liberty County SO, if you're in that area), because she is missing. Her husband is in a friend's husband's former unit. (Ha! Did you follow that? Yeah, military... we've all moved, yet we still know everybody either directly or indirectly.) He's been sent home from Iraq, and Ft. Stewart soldiers have aided local fire/rescue in searching most of Liberty and Long counties today. They didn't find anything, though.

Frankly, a lot of us think she took the money and ran. I guess most of us have seen enough of these older women with these low ranking soldiers, and they just disappear one day out of the blue. That's what this looks like, really, but on the off chance that there was foul play involved, keep your eye out for her, and if you see her, let your local sheriff's department know so they can take her home. Who knows.... I just figured I'd repost the APB since all the cool kids are doing it.

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